
The collection titled “Complexity” is consisted of modern jewellery made by silversmithing techniques, which have their roots in antiquity and developed in various regions of the world. Married metals technique, which was first used in Pre-Columbian America, has as a main characteristic the gluing of two or more different metals with a result of creating an undivided colourful surface. Inlay is the technique of inserting various materials such as colour, stones etc. in metals. Multi-Metal lamination technique has Japanese origin. The artist uses this this technique to give jewellery volume and create colourful decorative motifs by welding successfully different metals. Another technique used by people in the Eastern Mediterranean during the antiquity is named filigree and it requires special precision, since the artist work with very thin metal threads.
Repoussé is the technique of shaping the metal into tar to give jewellery volume. Reticulation technique has its origins in Russia and Finland. The artist repeatedly heated metal in order to create unique texture on the surface of jewellery. Granulation is a jewellery manufacturing technique whereby small grains of precious metal adorn the surface of jewellery. Mokume-gane technique was first used to decorate Samurai swords fittings in Japan. The artist fuses at least 48th differently coloured metals together to form a sandwich of alloys with the appearance of natural wood grain. The knowledge of the above techniques leads to complex jewellery which is perfectly suited to the style of modern woman.